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Thank you for booking with ALTITUDE TRAVEL.

Now the details come. Read this agreement carefully.

Assumption of Risk: The passenger has voluntarily applied to participate in the tour on which is booked, which may involve Cultural Tours, Trekking, Mountain Bike or Cycling Tours, Rafting, and/or other outdoor and adventure sports (“Adventure Activities”). The passenger voluntarily participates in this tour with the knowledge of the risks and potential dangers involved, which include but are not limited to: dangers and risks inherent in Adventure Activities.

The passenger assumes full and complete responsibility for checking and confirming any and all passport, visa, vaccination, or other entry requirements of each destination and all safety or security conditions at those activities.

The passenger acknowledge that he/she has read, understood and accepted the following points.

1. The passenger is responsible for informing Altitude BEFORE the activity of any existing illness, injury or allergy that he/she has that might affect my ability to undertake the adventure activity, or which might require treatment during the Death Road. Moreover, it is his/her responsibility to inform the guides of any extra help he/she may need either before or during the ride owning to this

2. The passenger is also responsible for informing this office if he/she is inexperienced on a mountain bike or if he/she is very nervous or scared of the ride in which he/she will be participating (this in case we need to offer you extra

3. The passenger is aware and he / she is responsible that his / her international travel insurance contemplates accidents of adventure or risk activities (Mountain biking, Rafting, other similar).

4. Altitude is responsible for providing equipment and bicycles in optimal conditions for the tour, however there may be situations of repair or maintenance during the tour, which will be commissioned by ALTITUDE’s mechanical team. The passenger is responsible for paying for damage to bicycles or the ALTITUDE team, if:

– The damage is caused by improper use of equipment or bicycles
– Lack of attention or disrespect to the security discourses of the guides, provided at strategic stops during the tour.
– Disregard of the rules of driving safety during the tour (Remove the hands from the steering wheel in during the handling of the bicycle, skids, bad use of the brakes, etc.)
– Excessive riding speed with the bike in any section of the tour (under anycondition you are allowed to overpass your head guide).

If the bicycle presents damages for any of these situations, he / she agrees to return the bicycle and / or the equipment in the same conditions of as he / she received them, likewise the passenger is responsible for replacing any damage or loss in the provided equipment (Helmet, gloves, protections, suit).

5. For its part, The Agency is responsible for organizing and supervising all of its tours, including assigning an experienced guide to the group. The Agency is also responsible for answering any questions he / she might have about the risks involved in this activity. These include, but are not limited to, forces of nature, extreme weather conditions, acts of God, civil and government disturbances, physical exertion for which he / she may not be prepared, and the lack, or limited nature, of rescue or evacuation possibilities should he / she be injured, incapacitated or disabled. Riders who sign-up for a ride or adventure activity during the rainy season must acknowledge that the weather may very well adversely affect their trip by way of, but not limited to, reduced visibility, forced modifications to the schedule, especially harsh conditions,

or that, equally, the conditions might be excellent. Under no circumstances will
refunds or discounts be offered due to the weather conditions.Under none of these circumstances will ALTITUDE be responsible for reimbursement or discounts, however ALTITUDE will offer the option of Re Schedule the tour, on
any day, at the convenience of the client.

Likewise, the guides (G.O’s) are responsible for the maximum safety of the tour, this implies any decision to cut a section due to weather conditions or other situations outside of what was normally planned by Altitude.

6. The passenger understands that the Altitude’s guides, while trained in first aid, are not qualified nurses or doctors, and as such the medical attention they will

provide in the case of an accident is limited to first aid, and the medical supplies carried are also limited to those necessary to enable a person to be taken safely to professional and qualified secondary medical attention. While some painkillers are carried, he / she understands that if he / she should choose to take them, he / she does so of his / her own accord and at my own risk.

7. Mountain biking and or adventure excursions, like other adventure sports, contain an element of risk. As such, the passenger understands that there are risks associated with the activities he / she will be undertaking with ALTITUDE he / she accepts that it is neither desirable nor feasible to remove all risk from these activities and that this risk is an essential part of the adventure experience and

provides the challenge of outdoor activities. The passenger acknowledges that the enjoyment of undertaking activities beyond the normal safety of home, work or country is in part the reason for his / her participation on this trip. He / she is aware that ALTITUDE and its employees will take all reasonable and practicable steps to manage these risks to an acceptable level.

At any time during this activity he / she understands the passenger is free to ask for information on the activity and make his / her own decision on him / her level of involvement. The passenger accepts personal responsibility for him / her own actions during this activity, which he / she undertakes at his / her own risk. The passenger also acknowledges that should he / she act contrary to, or outside of, the

instructions and advice he / she has been given, he / she significantly increase his / her risk and in doing so will be personally responsible for any consequences. The passenger is also responsible to ensure that his / her actions or inactions does not jeopardize the safety of others. He / she accepts that The Agency is NOT responsible in the event of injury, loss or death resulting during the tour.

8. The passenger further agrees that if he / she injured or become ill during the activity, ALTITUDE may, at his / her cost, arrange or supply medical treatment, evacuation or any other emergency services on his / her behalf as ALTITUDE and it staff deems necessary or appropriate for his / her safety and well being.
The support vehicles that ALTITUDE use

may charge evacuation of a client to a good clinic in La Paz, and return to the group. This cost will be passed on to him / her, and a receipt will be provided which he / she may use to claim this amount back from my travel insurance.

9. ALTITUDE reserves the right to cancel or modify the trip for the safety of participants or where conditions make the tour unfeasible in its advertised form. In such an occurrence, ALTITUDE will endeavor to provide a safe and fun
alternative activities or routes to the group on that day. Where the cancellation or modification is the result of circumstances outside of ALTITUDE direct control (including, but not limited to, unseasonably bad weather, civil protests, an accident, or road closures or blockages), The Agency will not provide ANY REFUND.

ALTITUDE explicitly reserves the right for its guides to refuse to allow a participant to ride or participate in some or all of and adventure if that person presents himself or herself under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If a person does not comply with the safety directions or behaves in a manner that puts safety at risk. If a participant under such a circumstance, there is NO REFUND or DISCOUNT or TRANSFER.

The passenger understands that if, FOR SOME REASON, he / she cancel his / her participation, he / she needs to change the date of the trip for which he / she signed, or he / she did not arrive on time for the trip, a penalty of cancellation will be deducted from the payment for the trip as follows:

– On the morning of the ride – 100% penalty. Just in case of sickness sustaind by a medical certified the penalty will be of 50%.
– After office hours before the ride (Monday to Friday after 9 pm, Sat & Sun after 7 pm)
– 75% penalty Re schedule without extra charge are only allowed one day in advanced (During business hours).
48 hours before the ride 50% of refund
72 hours before the ride 25% of refund.

The Agency can provide a “Cancellation Fee Receipt” that can be used to claim this penalty from your medical or travel insurance. This penalty reflects the actual cost to ALTITUDE of a client, which does not go in a short term and is fixed, inflexible, and no exception will be made,

and he / she specifically understands this.

The passenger declares that he / she has read attentively, AND HE / SHE AGREES TO, the above 9 points of this Declaration of Risk and Personal Responsibility on Knowing and Voluntary Execution:

I have carefully read and understand the provisions and legal consequences of this agreement, and I hereby agree to all of its conditions. I agree that if any portion of this agreement is found to id unenforceable, the remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect.

I have carefully read and understand the provisions and legal consequences of this agreement, and I hereby agree to all of its conditions. I agree that if any portion of this agreement is found to id unenforceable, the remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect.